Syllables Counter

Syllables Counter Accurately Count the Total Number of Syllables in a Sentence and Word

Number of Syllables


What is syllable:
A syllable is an unbroken single sound of a word. Sometimes syllables are also referred to as beats in a word.

Check some following examples to understand :
BOOK: This word has a single syllable or a single beat. (BOOK)
MOON: Once again, it has a single syllable or a beat. (MOON)
TABLE: This word has two syllables or two beats. (TA-BLE)
DRAMA: Again this word has two syllables or two beats. (DRA-MA)
BANANA: There are three syllables in this word. (BA-NA-NA)
POTATO: Again this word has three syllables. (PO-TA-TO)

So essentially syllable is a beat in a word. Syllables usually contain a vowel and are accompanied by consonants.

How to use syllables counter:
– Simply insert text in the above text area.
– Press the “Count” button.
– This tool will instantly count and calculate the total number of syllables for you and display it in the above box.

About Counter Tool:
This is a free and easy-to-use online syllable counting tool. This is quite helpful to check and count syllables instantly for poems, sonnet, haiku, limerick, and all other types of text. Online syllables counting tool provides you an easy and instant way to figure out, how many syllables a word has.