How to Tell If Your Construction Equipment Needs a New Air Heater?

Cold weather can be challenging and inconvenient for all kinds of outdoor work, and construction equipment is no exception, notes Liberty Real Estate Services company. Diesel-powered machines can become difficult to start in cold temperatures. That’s where the winter magic weapon, the air heater, comes in. This part warms up the engine, ensures a smooth start in the coldest summer, and prevents wear and tear from cold starts.

Buying an air heater is not a one-time thing, and this part will wear out with use and natural wear. If your machine suddenly has some problems this winter, and you have checked many parts and can’t find the cause, don’t forget to check the air heater. This article will tell you some signs that the air heater is broken. If you find the following signs, don’t forget to replace them in time.

Signs That Air Heater Needs to Be Replaced

1. Difficulty starting in cold weather

The first purpose of an air heater is to help your engine start in cold conditions. If your machine takes multiple attempts to start in cold temperatures or won’t start at all, the most likely reason is that this part is broken, after troubleshooting the engine itself. A worn or faulty heater can’t generate enough heat to warm the air entering the combustion chamber, making it difficult for the engine to effectively ignite the fuel. Fairly speaking, it usually takes 30s to 60s to warm and start an engine in winter. The colder the environment is, the longer it takes to work. When under -4°F, the warming up time could even reach 2 minutes. I bet you know the average time each time you start the engine in your area. If you find it takes much more time to start your machinery, and it happens a lot, it suggests that you should replace the air heater with a new one, too.

2. Excessive white smoke at start-up

The machine will produce different colors of smoke when it is not working properly. The main reason for white smoke is insufficient combustion caused by insufficient preheating of the air heater core. If your engine continues to emit white smoke in cold conditions, the air heater may be broken and not heating the intake air sufficiently, which is a clear visual sign that the part needs to be replaced.

4. Error Codes or Dashboard Warnings

Many modern construction machines built in recent years are equipped with on-board diagnostic systems for monitoring engine components, and many machine health issues can be reflected through the vehicle’s smart dashboard. If your dashboard displays a preheating system warning or related error code, it is a clear indication that your air heater may be faulty.

5. Physical Damage or Corrosion

Physical damage is a very easy-to-identify air heater loss. If you find that the heater is rusted, broken, cracked, and obviously worn, then the money spent on purchasing a new air heater will not be saved.

6. Increased Fuel Consumption

A faulty air heater will cause inefficient combustion and spend more time heating than a properly functioning part, resulting in increased fuel consumption.


It’s also a good idea to have a quality replacement air heater on hand. If your unit exhibits any of these symptoms, replace it promptly to ensure reliable operation all winter long. Need a new air heater? Check out FridayParts for durable and cost-effective solutions designed for a variety of leading brands.